Game Projects

 This page contains information about various game projects I am currently working on or have worked on in the past. Detailed information about each project can be found below, as well as links to playable versions, or where to find the games, when applicable.

Trade Secret

Trade Secret was chosen by The University of Advancing Technology to represent it's game design program at Game Developer's Conference 2011 in San Francisco alongside Project Tellus. TS was also a student entry in the 2010 Independent Game's Festival.

Trade Secret is an innovative 2.5D action platform game developed in Unity 3D for play in a web browser. Players take the role of one of the Sons of Salvage, a group of engineers devoted to the restoration of Under Haven, humanity's last refuge against a forgotten apocalypse. They travel between massive caverns and underground factories salvaging scrap and building new weapons and armor.

My Responsibilities:
I am the Lead Writer and Combat Designer. My duties designing all of the enemies including their appearance and AI behaviors, as well as all five boss encounters.My work also included writing all npc dialogue, the plot, and story related design decisions. I am also responsible for The Scavengers Field Guide, an in game reference.

You can view some of my work for Trade Secret in the following google documents:

Scavengers Field Guide: An in game reference for players, it contains much of the story and world information about places, monsters, people, and the history of the game world.

NPC and Enemy Designs:This spreadsheet has information on the NPCs and Enemies for Trade Secret. One the first page are Enemies and their behaviors and some variables like health and damage for the programmers and scripters. On the second page is a description of what the enemies should look like and links to various references for the artists.

Unfortunately a playable build of Trade Secret is unavailable at this time.